What Jobs Can You Get With a Healthcare Administration Certificate?

The field of healthcare administration is extremely broad in the healthcare industry with more than enough options for career growth. If you’re also interested in having a fulfilling career in this field, you may need to know- what jobs can you get with a healthcare administration certification?

In brief, some common options include a medical record specialist, medical administrative assistant, medical and health service manager, medical director, and so on. However, the specific job titles and responsibilities may vary depending on the healthcare sector and the employee. 

Well, to have a complete insight about the matter, that’s not all to know. There are many more roles in a healthcare administration that you should learn about to make an informed choice. So, read on.

Jobs You Can Get With A Healthcare Administration Certification

Your choice of jobs in this sector is likely to depend on your degree, career goals, available time, and academic interests. 

While pursuing the associate degree will qualify you for entry-level positions, a graduate degree will advance your career into executive roles. However, check out the job options below. 

Entry Level Healthcare Administration Careers

If you get an associate degree in healthcare administration, you can have an entry level job in this field like medical record specialists, health information technologists, or medical secretaries. Let’s get to know it. 

1. Medical Record Specialist 

Now let’s come to the first job option in the healthcare administration from our list- the medical record specialist. 

Medical record specialist, as the name implies, maintains the patient’s record in hospitals, clinics or in a doctor’s office.

Moreover, they code the information for insurance purposes and transcribe medical reports. It is also included in the medical record specialist jobs.

Minimum required education: Associate or bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration or from a similar subject. However, sometimes a high school diploma GED® certificate may also be enough. Medical billing and coding certificates are often preferred.  

Median salary annually: $47,180

2. Health Information Technologist 

Next is the health information technologist, another great career path that the healthcare administration offers to you. They are the ones who developed the electronic healthcare system and helped to design it. 

Plus, healthcare information technologists collect the information about a patient’s treatment, follow-up and results, and analyze it. They also provide data to any legal requests, record requests or for authorization. 

Minimum required education: Associate degree in healthcare administration. Sometimes a bachelor’s degree in this field may also be needed. 

Median salary annually: $58,250

3. Medical Secretary 

The medical secretary may also be a good choice for you when you want to have a career in healthcare administration. Medical secretary manages the flow of patients in the hospital, doctor’s office or clinics. 

Also known as medical administrative assistants or medical receptionists, medical secretaries record the data of the patient, order supplies, and do other administrative duties. 

Minimum required education: Associate degree in healthcare administration and from a similar subject. 

Median salary annually: $38,500

Medical Secretary

Mid-Level Healthcare Administration Careers

Now let’s say you have a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration and are wondering what jobs you can get. 

Well, in this situation, the healthcare administration offers you a mid-level job option which includes health service manager, health information manager, or clinical manager. Check it out below.

1. Medical And Health Service Manager

In the healthcare administration job sector, medical and health service manager is another option that you should know. 

The medical and health service managers plan, direct, and coordinate the healthcare service delivery in various settings. For instance nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, or group practices. 

Minimum required education: Bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration 

Median salary annually: $104,830

2. Health Information Manager

Now let’s come to another mid level job with the healthcare administration, the health information manager. 

The health information manager organizes and protects the information of the patient which are symptoms, diagnoses, medical histories, test results, and procedures

Minimum required education: Bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration 

Median salary annually: $64,210

3. Clinical Manager

Clinical manager is the other good option for you that you can choose with the healthcare administration degree. So, who is the clinical manager? 

Clinical managers are the ones who maintain all administrative clinical facilities. You will be responsible for hiring the new employees, training the employees or establishing a budget daily if you choose to be a clinical manager. 

You might be also responsible for reviewing the treatment plans and communicating with the executives. 

Minimum required education: Bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration 

Median salary annually: $75,700

Medical and Health Service Manager

Manager Level Healthcare Administration Careers

At this point of the discussion, let’s get to know what manager level jobs are there for you with the master’s degree in healthcare administration. Check it out below.

1. Healthcare Chief Information Officer

If you are looking for the highest paying job in the healthcare administration, healthcare chief information officer may be the best option. 

A Healthcare Chief Information Officer earns $164,187 per year on average based on the data of ZipRecruiter. They manage the information technology needed for computer systems in healthcare facilities. 

Their duty is to make high level decisions like strategic plans for the future of technology in a healthcare facility

Minimum required education: Master’s degree in healthcare administration  

Median salary annually: $164,187

2. Hospital Chief Executive Officer 

In the healthcare administration, the hospital CEO is the other highest-paying job with almost $158,844 Annually. Your job as a hospital chief executive officer will revolve around providing leadership in the hospital. 

The CEO of a hospital ensures the quality care of the patient, and efficient operation of the facilities. Their duties revolve around the planning of the overall human resources and financial strategies. 

Minimum required education: Master’s degree in healthcare administration  

Median salary annually: $160,040

3. Healthcare Administrator  

The role of a healthcare administrator involves day-to-day operations of a healthcare facility. The healthcare administrator oversees the finances, manages the staff, and ensures compliance with healthcare laws. 

All in all, they improve the overall quality of the healthcare service. Your job sector can be a hospital or specific department in the hospital, or nursing home.

Minimum required education: Bachelor’s or master’s degree in healthcare administration 

Median salary annually: $90,700

Healthcare Administrator

Top Level Healthcare Administration Careers

A doctorate degree is the highest level of degree in this field. And by gaining this degree you can get the top tier duties in the healthcare administration. These jobs require experience also along with the degrees. 

So, to enhance your skills and experience, you can take courses in healthcare administration, which will offer you important insight about these job sectors. However, let’s check out the job that you can get.

1. Medical Director 

In the healthcare industry, a medical director plays a vital role. They oversee the medical side of the facility and make decisions on the medical facilities, policies, and procedures. 

Moreover, the medical director also guides the medical staff. All in all, the medical director in the healthcare industry ensures the healthcare that is provided is of the highest quality. 

Minimum required education: Doctoral or professional degree in healthcare administration + Experience 

Median salary annually: $240,520

2. Hospital Executive

The role of the hospital executive varies widely in the healthcare system. If you choose to be a hospital executive, it means you have to be crystal clear on what is available for you for the healthcare administration. 

For example, suppose you start the ancillary services and want to reach the top level in that field, you have gained the education and experience required for this role.

Minimum required education: Master’s in healthcare administration Experience, Doctorate

Median salary annually: $145,949

Hospital Executive

Final Words

The healthcare administration leads to various career paths in the healthcare industry. Now it all depends on you which career path you will go on or choose. You will just need proper work experience, additional education or certifications, and a professional network to advance your career in this field and to make a positive impact in the healthcare industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What degree is best for healthcare administration?

An MHA degree is the best for healthcare administration. On-campus or online MPH programs generally focus on epidemiology and community health. With this degree, the graduate works with a specific population to educate them in health.

What is the top-paying job in healthcare administration?

Healthcare chief information officer is the top-paying job in healthcare administration. In this job sector, they get paid about $164,187 per year. To become a CIO, you must need at least a master’s degree.

Is healthcare management in demand in the USA?

Yes, healthcare management is in demand in the United States of America. It is expected that the growth of the healthcare management demand will increase to 28% within 2031 and it will continue for the foreseeable future.

Which country is best for healthcare administration?

The United Kingdom is one of the best countries for healthcare administration. Canada, Australia, Germany, Singapore, and India are also top countries for the healthcare administration sectors. Norway and the Netherlands are also ranked in international insurance.


Pursue a career in healthcare and gain the skills to become a medical record specialist, health information technologist, or medical assistant.
February 4, 2025