How To Get Care Certificate? A Complete Guide!

The Care Certificate is the identified set of standards that a health and social care worker adheres to in his daily working life. As of 2022, around 68% of care workers were engaged themselves with the Care Certificate which significantly highlights the widespread value of it within the UK health and social care sector. So, how to get Care Certificate? 

To achieve the Care Certificate, there are a series of mandatory training programs that you must undergo and demonstrate the competencies related to the care skills. Then your employer will ensure that you meet all the standards before awarding the certificate. 

However, in today’s guide, we will walk through every step of achieving the Care Certificate and all the other queries that you may want to know. So, without being anywhere else just keep on reading.

1. How To Get a Care Certificate? -Detailed Process

To achieve the Care Certificate, typically you need to undergo mandatory training programs and have to demonstrate your competencies in the various care-related skills. 

Actually, the Care Certificate is the standardised qualification that ensures that the care worker has all the must-have skills and competencies. Here are the steps to have the Care Certificate. 

How To Get a Care Certificate? -Detailed Process

Step 1: Finding an employer or organisation

First of all, you need to ensure employment in the health and social care setting, for instance, nursing homes, hospitals or care home agencies. You need to find an organisation that offers a Care Certificate program. 

Step 2: Enrolling in the program for the Care Certificate

Once you are employed, the employer or organisation will provide you with the necessary information for the Care Certificate program and modules of the training that you may need to complete. 

The enrollment in the program can be an online training program, personal training session attendance, or a combination of both. 

Step 3: Completing the essentials

The Care Certificate is typically completed in two parts: the knowledge and theoretical part and the practical assessment. You will be assessed in your workplace to be awarded with the Care Certificate. 

  • Knowledge component

As for the knowledge component, you will learn all the standards that the Care Certificate covers and learn the theory behind each one. 

The Care Certificate consists of a total of 15 standards. These are the standards that a care worker must adhere to every step throughout their career life. Following are the 15 standards that the Care Certificate covers. 

1. Understanding your role 

2. Your personal development 

3. Your duty of care 

4. Diversity and equality 

5. Working in a person-centered way 

6. Communication 

7. Privacy and dignity 

8. Nutrition and fluids 

9. Awareness of mental health, learning disabilities, and dementia

10. Safeguarding adults 

11. Safeguarding children 

12. Basic life support 

13. Health and Safety 

14. Handling information 

15. Prevention of the infection and control of it

Once you complete learning you will be expected to explain what you have learned during the knowledge and theoretical part. 

It may be through written and oral answers to questions, presentations, or records of simulated activity. Typically, your answers are recorded in a set of 15 booklets, one for each standard. 

  • Practical assessment 

As for the practical aspect of the Care Certificate, your employer or the organisation will observe your demonstration of what you have learned. For instance, let’s say you have completed the standard 5 of the Care Certificate. 

Now your assessor will observe you and how you are conducting your normal duties and will determine whether you are delivering the person-centered care. 

You may also need to complete practical work for example role play. If the situation arises is not relevant and you need to show that you can meet the standard. 

Step 4: Certification 

Now your assessor will award the Care Certificate only when he is satisfied that you have sufficient evidence of meeting the requirement of each standard of the Care Certificate. Of course, the evidence must have to be 

  • Authentic: The evidence must have to be produced by the learner  
  • Valid: It must have to be relevant to the specific standard 
  • Current: The employer must be confident that the employee or the learner still possesses the same level of knowledge and skills. 
  • Sufficient: It must fully meet the requirements of the Care Certificate standard.  
  • Reliable: The evidence must be genuinely represented and should reflect the knowledge and skills of the learner.

2. How Long Does It Take To Have A Care Certificate?

Care Certificate training program helps to learn the key topics about health, social care, safeguarding, and communication skills. Typically, it takes around 12 weeks to complete this Care Certificate essential training program for someone with no prior experience. 

However, how long it will take to have the Care Certificate can also depend on various factors like your lifestyle, routine, and previous experience. Some learners may complete it sooner or may take longer depending on their circumstances. 

Moreover, the training schedules and the availability of the training sessions, learning methods, and practical assessments will also influence a lot in the overall time to complete the Care Certificate. 

Based on these factors, the timeframe can range from a few weeks to a few months.

3. Is The Care Certificate Mandatory?

There is no legal requirement to implement the Care Certificate as the Care Quality Commission has not completely enforced its use. However, the inspector of the CQC holds the power to enforce the regulars on how the refreshers or care staff will be trained. 

That means if you do not use the Care Certificate, the inspectors will ensure that you have the knowledge and competencies the same as the standard of the Care Certificate. 

Well, the Health and Social Care Act (2008) has linked and cited some legal requirements for the Care Certificate. It is enforced by the Care Quality Commission. 

Extracts from Regulation 18(2)(a):

“Providers must ensure that the freshers have an induction program that prepares staff for their role. It is expected that providers that employ healthcare assistants and social care support workers should follow the Care Certificate standards to make sure new staff are supported, skilled, and assessed as competent to carry out their roles.”

Moreover, the guidance on Regulation 19(1)(b), says that it is expected that the employer who employs the health and social care assistant or support worker, must follow the Care Certificate standards to assess the new employee’s competencies. 

Get Care Certificate

4. Is The Achievement Of Care Certificate Based Only On Knowledge?

How To Get Care Certificate

To achieve the Care Certificate, you have to show competency in all the 15 standards along with gaining knowledge. Your knowledge, understanding as well as performance will be assessed before awarding you with the certificate. 

Generally, knowledge and understanding are assessed by questions like “describe,” “explain,” “define,” “list,” or “identify”. Moreover, the performance evidence is taken by the “demonstrate”, “take steps to”, “us” or “show”. 

You can practice or develop your skills in the classroom or in a similar setting. But your work assessment will be collected during your real work activity.

5. How Long Does The Care Certificate Last?

The Care Certificate is designed to be portable which means the certificate can be taken by a care worker from one employer to the other employer. That is why once you achieve the Care Certificate, it does not expire. 

Your Care Certificate will last with you throughout your whole career without even the requirement of renewing. 

However, the employer should check whether the candidate with a Care Certificate still remembers the knowledge they have gained while earning it. 

Likewise, if the candidate feels that they do not have the competencies or the knowledge they have gained the first time earning the certificate, they can get the refresher course. It will be an assistance to play safe.

6. Can The Care Certificate Be Completed As A Part Of Pre-Employment Training?

The Care Certificate originally is not developed as a part of pre-employment training. However, you can learn some parts of the Care Certificate through the pre-employment training. 

The employer ensures that the knowledge is up to date and will provide you with the additional knowledge that you may require. 

Employers can use a mapping document or self-assessment tool to figure out any area or gap in the refresher. 

Your skills and competencies will be assessed in the workplace so that you can apply your knowledge and demonstrate understanding in practice.

6. FAQs

The discussion does not end here. At this point of the discussion, let’s get to know some more queries about the Care Certificate that are mostly asked. Check it out to know more. 

When should a Care Certificate be signed off?

The Care Certificate should not be signed until the new care or health support worker completes all the 15 standards. The Care Certificate can be awarded to any employer of health and care who has completed all the standards. 

What is the Care Certificate standard 15?

The 15 standards of the Care Certificate are about the prevention and control of infection in the healthcare sector. The standard covers how the infection enters the body, how it impacts the patients, and prevention of its spread. 

How much is HHA training in NYC? 

The HHA or The Home Health Aide training program is of no cost, an online training and certification program. Once you successfully complete the online training, you will be employed by the participating home care agency. 

What is the Care Certificate standard 6?

The standard 6 of the Care Certificate is about communication. The communication course enhances professional and interpersonal communication skills and ensures a clear and effective change of information in various contexts. 

How do I get a home health aide certificate in NYC?

To get the HHA or home health aide certificate in NYC, you need to complete a 76-hour classroom training program. Moreover, clinical training of one day and an up-to-date physical exam.

7. Final Words

When you want to step forward the professional competence, and compliance with the standard of the industry the Care Certificate plays a crucial role in the health and social care sector. 

After completing all the comprehensive training on the essential areas, you will be awarded with the Care Certificate. 

Obtaining a Care Certificate not only ensures compliance in the health and social care industry but also gives a golden pathway for career advancement. Ultimately the high quality care in the health and care sector.

The Care Certificate Preparation

This Care Certificate Preparation program covers 15 crucial standards, from understanding your role and duty of care to safeguarding, communication, and infection prevention.
August 1, 2024